There is no one way to write poetry. The great thing about poetry is that it can come in all shapes, sizes and forms and helps us to question what those forms might be.

But if you’re looking for some inspiration, here are some of our favourite ways to kick-start the poetry process.

Capture a moment

Sometimes people think on a large scale, but some of the most effective poetry captures a moment and harnesses the emotions for the audience to connect to. Try to work with emotion and metaphor and you might just make an ordinary moment seem like an extraordinary event.

Steal a conversation

People watching is an interesting pastime and can create some inspired moments. Sit down in a café, leave out your headphones and listen to the world as it passé you by. You never know where inspiration might come from.

Describe something or someone

Specificity is you friend when it comes to poetry. Try to focus on one element, character or thing when working on a poem as an exercise. Sometimes the simple things can be the most profound.

Respond to something

Try writing a response to a poem you’ve read, an article you skimmed through or a song you heard and see if it kick-starts something.

If you have been inspired and want to publish some of your work with us, please feel free to get in touch.

At, we have a comprehensive list of packages for poets and writers and we are always happy to discuss your options.