
Smart phones are a staple in society and are fast becoming a writer’s best friend. So why not take advantage of you travel-sized companion and download some apps to help you with your writing?

Here are a few of our recommendations:

Google Drive

Google Drive is a God send. You can download the app to your phone and write on the go. The best part, however, is that you can edit it anywhere you access your Google Drive account. Say, for example, you are on a bus and you came up with a fantastic idea for your story but you don’t have your laptop at hand. If you save the draft on Google Drive, you can access this from you phone and edit away to your heart’s content.


This app has become quite handy for inspiration on the go. Sometimes it’s hard to keep a pen and paper on hand, which is where Writer comes in handy. The nifty little app lets you draft and edit your work on the go, so you can write anywhere. Personally, I have found this very handy on bus journeys when the mind starts to wander and inspiration hits.


Any writer will tell you that staying focused is one of the most difficult parts of the job. It’s easy to get distracted when, let’s face it, the internet is there to distract you. Pomodoro helps you create goals and focus on the task at hand—writing your story. The app is a productivity tracker, that allows times for breaks, so completing your tasks seems a bit more achievable.


Have you ever noticed people writing on the laptops in coffee shops? Have you been one of those people? Well, there is a reason for that, other than the free WiFi and caffeine fixes. Research has shown that total silence doesn’t help with productivity and can actually stifle creativity. This handy little app creates the ambient sound of coffee shops and helps the creative juices flow. It lets you get that coffee shop ambiance without the coffee shops prices.

Alternatively, you can also invest in Spotify or Songza and allow music to be your muse.


Social-media is an everyday necessity. It’s how we keep in contact with friends and family and keep up to date with news and events. Of course, it is also massively distracting, which is a writer’s biggest downfall. Anti-Social lets you block your social media accounts for the time you have designated to writing and focus solely on your story and not a friend’s Facebook status.

There are plenty of apps available on iOS and the Google Play store, so you can shop around and find what best suits you.

Happy writing.