
The bane of every writer is the dreaded writer’s block, and it rears its ugly head when you least expect it.

Writer’s block is an ugly monster, lurking in the shadows and sapping the creative force out of you when you need it most. It muddles your mind and keeps you from performing to your best ability. It can also create a creativity vacuum that you can’t seem to escape.

Everyone will experience it in some shape or form during their writing career, but thankfully there are ways to beat it.

Here are a few of our favourite tips for overcoming the dreaded block.


Fresh air is good for the mind good, for the soul and for overcoming writer’s block. Sometimes it helps to get yourself away from your desk, leave the house and let your mind wander. You never know, you might even find the inspiration you need.


Reading is a fundamental part of the writing process and it’s also a lot of fun. If you feel creatively bankrupt, it helps to try and shock your system. The best way to do this is by stepping outside your comfort zone. If you’re writing a crime novel and find that reading other crime novels is getting you down, why not branch our and read a memoir or a comedy? There are so many different genres out there, so read every type. You could even discover a new favourite book and overcome your creative funk all at once. I call that a win-win.


Some writer’s swear by daily routines for inspiring their inner muse and it helps keep writer’s block at bay. They suggest having a certain ritual that you complete before you settle down to let your creative juices flow. Some routines could mean you start writing after you finish your morning cup of tea, or that you write between 7 and 10 at night, because that’s when you feel you are most creative. Whatever routine you decide on, stick to it.

Take a Break

It’s not just a tag line for “Time-Out” bars, or an excellent song from the Hamilton soundtrack, there is genuinely something to be said for taking a break. If you are overworked or overwhelmed–believe me, it happens to all of us–sometimes getting away can be just what the doctor ordered, so try to take time for yourself and get back into top writing form.


Finally, if you can’t seem to write, just keep writing. Writing is like a muscle: you have to keep using it to make sure it’s in top shape. Freewriting is a fantastic way to help with writer’s block and all do is write whatever pops into your head and keep writing. You don’t need to edit it; you just need to get it down on a page.  Before you know it, you’ll be back on a creative high and powering through your story in no time.