So you’ve published your book: now what?

Here are some of our top  tips for marketing your book

Find your audience

While most authors think that everyone in the world will want to read their book, they are sorely mistaken. Reading preferences are completely subjective and one book might not be every person’s cup of tea. But if you focus on the demographic you are trying to get the book into the hands of those who would like to read it. .  If your book is about careers after college, you might target college seniors.  If your book is about the history of your local town, make sure you reach out to local groups and community historians. Figure out who your audience is and market the book towards them.

Connect to your community

Once you’ve found your audience,  you should find out their interests and activities, where they do it, what they read, how they read it, what their biggest celebrations are etc. You can market your book to them at a grassroots level: meeting them at community halls and functions, turning up to meetings and getting involved.

Talk it up

You should be proud of your book. You were one of the bravest out there and put your words out into the universe for others to read. So why not brag a little? Using social media sites can be a simple and effective method of marketing your book. You can also contact local and national papers for interviews and reviews, plan book launches and make sure that your audience knows your book it out there for them to read.

Keep the buzz going

Even if your finished your first print and are looking a second round, you should still keep the fires of  book promotion alive. You need to figure out ways to keep your book fresh. I mean, Jane Austen still sells a lot of copies, doesn’t she?

Marketing and selling a book is a marathon. Pace yourself and work hard and you cannot believe how good it will feel  to have your book reach its audience.

And don’t forget, here at we can print, promote and copy your book. All you need to do is contact us here and we can set you on your publishing journey.