Intrigue…in a Quaint Irish Town, is a lighthearted often comical insight into an under-developed, unsophisticated Irish town.

‘A gripping story set in small town Ireland in 1954, which is laced throughout with humour, intrigue and a hint of romance.’

Which of the Ryans are you…? Is a commonly asked question as the story unfolds in a community greatly populated by families named Ryan. A fortune awaits the true descendants of Margaret Mary Ryan. But the genealogy is difficult to trace and the rightful heir may not reside in Dúnogarty.

Read what happens when the Parish Priest discovered a consignment of ‘unmentionables’ down by the river.

Mr. Biddlecock is kidnapped by the IRA but Nora Ryan, a hotel employee stumbled in on the act and is also taken away…

The book is very entertaining, a good read, and a commentary on life during the decade 1950 – 1960, after which the shoots of modern consumerism appeared.