
Amy’s life journey has thus far taken her down many fascinating pathways including completing her degree in Business Studies, appearing on School around the Corner receiving the Children of Courage Award, meeting many famous and interesting people, but none prouder than working on her own collection of poetry and getting them to print.

She lives with a severe disability, in medical terms ‘Congenital Defect’ but in simple terms she was born without legs from below the knee and without hands from below the elbow. Although this has made things more difficult for her growing up and moving through the various stages in her life, it has definitely not proven to be a barrier for her in achieving anything she sets her heart on. Although her educational background is centred around business, her heart and passion lies most certainly in writing poetry.

Growing up, she never really focused on her disability and it never seemed to bother her but when she reached her mid/late teens it started to concern her more and more. She never spoke about and always played the part in all aspects of my life but inside it hurt to see her sisters, brother and friends having opportunities that seemed only dreams to her. She found a huge sense of self-acceptance through her poetry and finds that she can handle her lot in life a bit easier because of the relationship I have with writing.

In her own words, she says that her poetry has “given me a place I can be totally myself and express my emotions, ideas and memories.”

Speaking about her launch, Amy said that it was the “best night of my life ever!”

Having the opportunity to print and bind her poems with has been a dream come true for her. She hopes everyone gets something positive from reading her work, because her message is one of optimism, even through the most difficult of times.