Last week, Margaret Jennings, a journalist with the Irish Examiner, called into the factory to have a discussion with the Managing Director of Lettertec Ireland Ltd and Frank Kelly. They had a long discussion about topics such as self-publishing, printing and how the processes all work.

This morning we proudly opened the paper to find a long feature piece about the factory. In this piece, Frank Kelly discusses how self-publishing is a great opportunity for author’s to take on a new hobby and publish their work for all to see and enjoy.  He also reveals a long kept internal secret that he himself has produced his own book. He has a tradition with some friends to meet up once a year in September and play golf together, over the years they have had adventures and sadly, two members have passed away. He created a book containing images of the group and their achievements, a small print run was all that was needed for what was a private publication. This is used to show that if you put your mind to it, anyone can publish a book, all you need is the idea and the drive for it. You also don’t need to print thousands of copies anymore.

If you want to know how to get a book published Ireland, give us a call on 021 4883370.